Our Cider

The apples are mainly of the traditional English varieties, grown in Orange, New South Wales, on the slopes of Mount Conobolas. This alpine climate provides the ultimate location in the country for growing these varieties. The flavour and combination of the apples gives a dry, Bittersharp taste, unique amongst Australian ciders. The apples are grown sustainably with the aim of working with the natural environment, rather than against it. Thousands of native and European trees have been planted to create a food source, refuge, and corridor for native birds and animals. As a result there are habitats for echidnas, wallabies, kangaroos, and there are even a few apple trees for the white cockatoos.
Our cider contains a combination of the following heritage apple cider varieties: Improved Foxwhelp, Somerset Red Streak, Kingston Black, Pink Lady, Granny Smith, Cox’s Orange Pippin, Michelin, Black Winesap, Bramley, Breakwells Seedling, Dabinette, Golden Harvey, Maidens Blush, Xavier de Bavay, Jolly Beggar, Brown Apple, Jonathon, Cornish Aromatic, King David, Egremont Russet, Blenhiem, Lady of the Snows, George Carpenter, and Gravenstein.